North Rhine-Westphalia’s Minister of the Interior, Herbert Reul (CDU), together with the Inspector of the State Police, Michael Schemke, presented the new leadership strategy of the North Rhine-Westphalia Police. Within the framework of a state working group, the Ministry of the Interior, together with the police authorities and scientific support, has fundamentally revised the leadership principles of the North Rhine-Westphalian police.
The result is a policy paper (“Responsible Perception of Leadership in the Police of North Rhine-Westphalia”) that outlines the guidelines of good leadership within the police. The 217-page document is aimed in particular at all police managers in the state. This is the first time since 2004 that the police in North Rhine-Westphalia have renewed their leadership principles. Minister of the Interior Reul said: “From the duty group leader to the police chief: We have the claim that there is optimal leadership within the police. Because good leadership must not be a matter of chance. The paper sets the course for internal security in our country.”
The new guideline is specially adapted to the requirements of the police. For the first time, it describes from different perspectives how good leadership is created and how it is defined for the police. It also contains new tools to support leaders. The framework concept for the police of North Rhine-Westphalia is the first of its kind in this form nationwide.