The Saarland Ministry of the Interior hopes to relieve the pressure on its police staff by giving specialists and investigative assistants longtime contracts and hiring new ones.
As of Jan. 1, 2023, Interior Minister Reinhold Jos (SPD) made eleven positions in the state police force permanent. In addition, nine permanent positions are currently advertised. The posts that have been made permanent are occupied by specialized pay-scale employees for the areas of fire investigation and billing fraud in the healthcare sector. In addition, investigative assistants are also being made permanent. Various specialists are being sought through the advertisements currently being issued. Staffing is planned to be expanded in the areas of crimes against life and sexual self-determination as well as narcotics crime, telecommunications surveillance, IT forensics, white-collar crime, online watch, central evaluation and analysis center and healthcare billing fraud.
“In order to stabilize and improve the security architecture in the Saarland, we have included a personnel increase for the police in the form of 20 tariff employee positions in the budget for this year,” said Jost. In this context, the personnel support would specifically serve to strengthen the organizational units within the Directorate LPP 2 Crime Prevention/State Criminal Investigation Office.